A new goal.

Thursday, January 10, 2013
Today while shopping with my bestie, we decided to go to Hawaii next February. Well more like she did. She said I should skip my dirty 30 trip and save more money and go to Hawaii with her next year. Took me all of 2 seconds to say ok. It was pretty much just going to be her and I going anyway. So now I need to lose weight. 

Maybe not need so much as want to lose weight. I want to look good and feel good while I'm there. Silly I know but hey that's me. I know myself and know I have to be pushed HARD to do anything like this. My bestie will be doing it too. As well as some people on twitter. 

So as of the last time I weighed myself I was 247.0 lbs. =( I would like to be under 200. We shall see.